Bizen no kuni sumau Osafune KIYOMITSU saku

sword smith KIYOMITSU (Bizen)
period Eiroku 11 nen 2 gatsu : February, 1568
length 29.3cm / 9sun 6bu 7rin
curvature 0.2cm / 6rin
basis width 2.7cm / 8bu 9rin
basis thickness 0.6m / 2bu
mekugi hole 2
price Please feel free to ask me by Email

shape tanto : Hira-zukuri, iorimune, light curve,
normal wide
ji Itame with nagare (stream), utsuri
ha Suguha, lower half is wet [urumi], mixed Suguha with Gunome in upper half, koashi, konie
boshi straight and Komaru
sculpture Kurikara (The dragon which coils itself around the sword)
mounting Ciisagatana koshirae, Shirasaya, bronze double Habaki
authorization Hozon Token
special mention 445 years old (sword blade).
Famous swordsmith KIYOMITSU in Bizen.
Typical Tanto of the Sengoku = Warring States Period.
Koshirae was made approximately 100 years before. The combination of metal fittings shows longevity and peaceful.
High quality work tanto, KIYOMITSU.

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