sword smith | Fujiyasu MASAHIRA |
period | Modern:1983 Autumn |
length | 39.2cm / 1shaku 2sun 9bu |
curvature | 0.4cm / 1bu 3rin |
basis width | 3.3cm / 1sun 8bu |
basis thickness | 0.7cm / 2bu 3rin |
mekugi hole | 1 |
price | 400,000.- JPY ≫ Currency Converter |
shape | Wakizashi : Hira-zukuri, mitsumune, wide width and light curvature |
ji | koitame closely, chikei, fine jinie, crack 3cm in the steel surface (photo No.9) |
ha | Big chouji, juka-choji(multiple choji), gunome, keeps wide on the blade, ashi, tobiyaki |
boshi | ko-maru, irregular top, long kaeri |
horimono | front:Gomabashi, back:Bo-bi |
mounting | Shirasaya, gold-plated single Habaki |
comment | Shape of the sword is the same as the ones produced during Enbun and Jouji eras in the Nanbokucho period. Hitatsura hamon. |
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